NON-DISCRIMINATION POLICY – All are welcome at the Y
It is the policy of the YMCA to make membership available to all persons regardless of race, color, religion, sex, age, marital status, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, or financial circumstances without discrimination.
Members will complete a membership application with Code of Conduct/Informed Consent/Liability Waiver Agreement and a payment authorization form. The member must provide driver’s license or state ID. A new member may be provided various information of interest such as membership flyer, Child Watch flyer, class schedules, and other relevant information.
The YMCA conducts regular sex offender screenings on all members, participants, and guests. If a sex offender match occurs, the YMCA will cancel the membership, end program participation, and remove visitation access.
Members will receive a membership card at the time of joining and will be required to present this card to access the YMCA. A photo identification will be required to join and anytime that the membership card cannot be presented.
It is the members or participants responsibility to provide his/her own accident and health insurance. The Y does not provide any health or accident insurance coverage for individual members.
Immediately notify a staff member if there is an accident, injury or unusual incident. We are happy to assist and will provide first aid supplies and treatment, as necessary. Please cooperate if asked to complete an accident/incident form.
Lost and found clothing may be found behind the Welcome desk. Clothing items are kept for a limited amount of time. Items such as jewelry, phones, etc. are stored at the Welcome Center. The Y is not responsible for lost or stolen items. We strongly encourage you to use a locked locker.
The Y is not responsible for damage to vehicles in the parking lots. If you are involved in accident or identify vehicle damage, we recommend that you report the incident to the police and your insurance company. The YMCA will only provide surveillance video, when available, to the investigating police department.
If you are not completely satisfied with your membership within the first 30 days of joining, we will refund your join fee and any membership dues paid.
CODE OF CONDUCT – Terms and Conditions
The YMCA values caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. For the enjoyment of all, our members agree to abide by the rules and regulation of the YMCA. The protection of members and guests who are utilizing the facility is of paramount concern to the YMCA. All members and guests will be screened against a national sex offender database.
We reserve the right to deny access or membership to any person whose behavior is judged to be in conflict with the welfare and safety of other members and/or staff; or who is a registered sexual offender; has pleaded guilty to or been convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse; or a crime against persons such as child, spousal or parental abuse or any offense relating to the sale or transportation of illegal, habit forming or dangerous drugs; is presently clearly under the influence of intoxicating beverages or behavior modifying drugs.
This code of conduct does not permit language or any action that can hurt or frighten another person or that falls below a generally accepted standard of conduct specifically inappropriate attire, angry or vulgar language, physical contact with another person in an angry or threatening way, any demonstration of sexual contact or activity, harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language or any other menacing behavior, theft or behavior resulting in destruction of property. Parents will be held responsible for the behavior of their children.
The YMCA is a weapon and smoke/vape free environment. This includes any type of devices or objects which may be used as weapons.
The Membership Director or CEO of the YMCA has the authority to deny, suspend or revoke membership to any individual as well as access on its premises if it has been determined that said individual’s actions has or may violate our code of conduct or any other policy of the YMCA.
The YMCA has established a minimum age for youth to use the facilities. Children under the age of 12 must be part of a family membership and must be accompanied by a parent or guardian who is 18 years or older. Parents will sign off on the Code of Conduct and will be held responsible for the behavior of their children. For detailed teen-specific programs click here.
Members ages 10-14 may participate in all classes upon completion of a wellness orientation and must be accompanied by and in direct supervision of an adult who is also a member. Children under 12 must be part of a family membership. Exceptions may apply based on the equipment used in classes. This might include cycling programs where the bike fit is critical and Body Pump where the equipment may need to be modified. Members should speak with the instructors in advance of taking the class.
Members ages 10 – 11 may use the Wellness Center after an orientation and under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian who is also a member. Youth/Teen (ages 12-17) members may work out alone after they have had an orientation. The Y offers free Wellness Orientations with trained Wellness Coaches to help participants of all ages learn safe, effective workout techniques and to learn the proper use of equipment. Children under 12 must be part of a family membership.
The gym, track and other program space are open to all members when a program is not running. Children under the age of 12 must be part of a family membership and under the direct supervision of a parent or guardian or registered in a specific program.
Children 6 and under may enter locker room with their parents. Children 7 and up may use the appropriate locker room alone. Children 7 and older may choose to use the individual restrooms off the main hallway.
The Exeter Area YMCA will offer programs and classes based on the needs of the membership. The full list of current offerings will be included in the Program Guide and on our website. These programs and classes may require registration and additional fees.
Members will receive preferred registration for all fee-based programs prior to non-members. Members will also receive preferred pricing. Programs that are a benefit of membership will not be open to non- members. Personal Training is not available to non-members.