School Age Child Care
With more than 300 children typically enrolled in our ten before and after school locations, our programs enable students to enjoy going to a place where staff are engaging, supportive and fun. Parents rely on quality, affordable care. And, they can relax knowing that their children are safe, happy, getting homework completed, eating healthy snacks, getting at least 30 minutes of physical activity and participating in curriculum that supports learning.
To continue to register for the 2023-2024 school year please contact Nicole Fogarty, at nicolef@sdymca.org

Little River Summer Day Camp
This summer, the YMCA is offering Little River Camp to elementary-aged children. It's and 8-week program in which kids explore and learn in a safe and fun environment. Daily activities include team building, leadership skills, arts and crafts, STEM, 21st-century skills and more! Little River will include multiple weekly field trips, Ages K- 5th.​
Weekly session will be held at the Tuck Learning Center. (30 Linden Street, Exeter) ​
8 week program
Dates June 23th - Aug 15.
Rates:$314 per week.
Regular Hours:
8:00AM to 4:00 PM
Additional Charges:
Pre-camp $55
Post-camp $55
Both pre-and post camp $90
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM
Post camp:
4:00 PM to 6:00 PM